Career Calibrator Canvas

If you had to hire…

Imagine your sink leaks, your toilet doesn’t flush, and you need to unblock a shower drain.

If you are like me, you will probably call a plumber. Right?

Picture you get in touch with two of them. Both highly recommended by people you know and trust. Who would you choose to get the job done?

Plumber 1: “I’ll make sure you can make use of the toilet in an hour, enable you to take a hot shower in the afternoon, and you’ll be able to wash tonight’s dirty dishes without worrying about ruining your new kitchen floor ever again. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be wondering if all that chaos wasn’t just a bad dream.” ​

Plumber 2: “My previous work experience allowed me to perform in under-pressure environments. I can easily adapt to any situation and in all my jobs, I ‘m always looking for opportunities to learn and rapidly develop myself. I can handle responsibility and besides my technical skills, I can also perform very well as part of a team, but also very capable of working on my own. I like to be committed to my job and always look for ways to improve things and to be a part of the solution.”​

Pretty straight forward who you’ll choose, right?

Either if you are starting to look for a new job or already sending job applications, I have lots of tips to help you do it properly so you can enormously increase your chances of success.

But here’s the first tip: be more like the first plumber.