Career Calibrator Canvas

It should work

Sending job applications should be easy, and it should work.

But it’s usually not easy, and many times it can be time-consuming and frustrating.

It takes a huge effort to craft a cover letter, tailor a resume for each specific job application, and lot’s of energy and emotional investment to put your soul out there only to, later on, be rejected.

But it doesn’t have to be like that.

When people reach out yo me, it hurts me to learn they’ve applied to over 100 or sometimes 300 jobs only to receive a handful of interview invitations. Many of those being even a mere 30 min screening call from someone from HR who makes it look like it’s all fantastic when it’s not.

It shouldn’t be like that.

You matter. And you deserve a job where you can thrive.

So here a three step plan to make it work.

Whether you are actively looking for a job or considering starting to look for a new one, the easiest and best strategy begins with first knowing what it is that do you want to do, and why.

The second part follows with translating your purpose, expertise, and skills into a pitch, LinkedIN profile, script, resume and a cover letter that allows others to understand pretty simply how you can be of value to them, quickly.

The third part has to do with creating resonance and making your voice vibrate in the same frequency of those who are looking for people like you.

It doesn’t matter in which stage of your career you are. You already have plenty of experiences, achievements, and stories to tell that others can get interested in hearing.

My job is to help you tell those in ways that excite potential employers to the point they want to meet you.