Career Calibrator Canvas

Not getting interviews in your job search? Stop applying online…

Start connecting with humans instead.

Connecting to real people works 100 times better than applying to jobs online.

Think about it…

For you to get a job offer, hiring managers first need to KNOW you.

Then they need to LIKE you.

Then they need to TRUST you.

Then they need to NEED you.

Then they need to WANT you.

Then they need to be able to AFFORD you.

Only then, you’ll be eligible to get a job offer which you can then choose to accept, negotiate, or decline.

If you are not getting any job interviews in your job search, you need to stop applying online.

Stop wasting time and energy adapting your resume or cover letters. Stop expecting employers to “give you a chance” or discover how you are “a great fit for the position”. Stop playing the waiting game.

Start using that energy to focus on connecting with humans instead.

Make work, work for you.

Career Calibrator Canvas